Amy Vriend

Currently a fourth-year student at the University of the arts Utrecht. I specialize in editorialdesign, typography, bookdesigns and creating brand identities. I get my inspiration from everyday life and translate that
into my work.

(2022) De Verdieping

(2024) soon

(2020) Mediacollege Amsterdam


Amy Vriend 

I am a third year Graphic Design student at HKU, based in Utrecht. I am interested in typography
and bookdesigns. I get my inspiration from
everyday life and translate that into my work.

Feel free to contact me!


Ode aan de G

This is an riso print Booklet about the various shapes of the G. The G is in mine opinion the most esthetic letter of the alphabet, because of the various shapes and ways the letter has. This is an ode to the G.

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Exposition | 2022


This is a variable font that I designed myself. The word “Markant” means striking. From this word I designed a font that adapts to the size of the format. This way you can decide for yourself how big and striking something should be. This was made with robofont.

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Variable typography  | 2022

The Bigger Picture

This is a bilingual book I designed about video art in public space.

I chose to put the languages consistently on a page. This means that there are 2 languages on each spread. English in blue and Dutch in black. This ensures a consistent hierarchy.

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Book Design | 2021

Experiments typography

Some proces and experiments with creating my own font and prints.

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Experiments | 2022

Proxima nova

The font that has been my favorite for a while is Proxima Nova. It is a simple font, but is slightly different because of its characteristics, the font is between the Futura and the Helvetica. To highlight shapes and elements I designed a poster and a booklet that gives me and others a better idea of what the font has to offer.

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Typography | 2021