Amy Vriend

I am a curious graphic designer who is always eager to learn and develop. Over the years, I have developed a passion for editorial design, print, and typography. My work is often recognizable by the combination of multiple techniques, both digital and analog. I gather inspiration from everyday objects and life, translating them into designs in a unique way.

(2025) Exploring New Ground
(2024) Heilige Huisjes
(2024) Exposure HKU
(2022) De Verdieping

(2024) En Route 
(2024) I Love Money

(2024) Bachelor, University of the Arts Utrecht
(2020) Mediacollege Amsterdam
Instagram   @amy_vriend

Amy Vriend 

I am a curious graphic designer who is always eager to learn and develop. Over the years, I have developed a passion for editorial design, print, and typography. My work is often recognizable by the combination of multiple techniques, both digital and analog. I gather inspiration from everyday objects and life, translating them into designs in a unique way.


En Route— HKU Media Catalogue 2024

Each year HKU Media publishes a graduation catalogue, showcasing all the graduates of that academic year. This year we (Floor van den Bergh, Amy Hofman, Danique Merkestein and Amy Vriend) had the honour to design this year’s catalogue.

In the design of the catalogue we captured the route of the graduation projects, from start to finish. To portray the versatility of the outcome of the graduation projects within each course, we designed maps to show each category or genre. Each corresponding with the amount of students within the course.

En Route | 2024